This was my second visit to the fish ponds in Poland (13-20/5) to photograph rednecked grebes from the floating hide; the report on the first visit from 15 to 18/4 you can read it elswhere on my blog page.

The birds were now on eggs. I was too early for chicks. So less activity; luckily on each pond several couples were present. For the morning session the wake up call was at 03,00h already; around 04,00h in the water and waiting for the light that comes with the sunrise at around 04,45h. Magical time certainly when the conditions are there. The first day was like you hope it will be forever: fog and beautiful sunrise; the other days however no fog, but sunrise indeed; it was dry open weather all the time. So no complaints. Moreover the guidance and assistance from Lukasz and Marcin was much appreciated, especially when the zipper of my drysuit did not close properly anymore ( A replacement suit was brought in in no time.

Getting close to the birds however proved to be very difficult. Progress in the water had to be done very, very slowly. On some sessions the birds stayed too far away to get decent shots, on other occasions they came close. Be patient and grab the opportunity. It is great fun to be able to move around with the hide and look for the best light conditions and interact with the bird behaviour. I do not understand that people are so reluctant to photograph from a floating hide! So much fun and so much satisfaction because you have your own input in the result (you donot have in fixed hides where birds are lured with bait). The behaviour of the birds is also much more natural and relaxed.

As a bonus I spent the night in the field in a bivy to photograph waders, mainly resident redshank (tureluur) and migrating ruff (kemphaan). The light in the evening and morning was fabelous! But let's get on to the rest of the pictures.
Enjoy and till the next one.